Heartbeat of a City
A group project for Dataviz. We grabbed NYC's public
transportation turnstile data, and processed, cleaned, and
visualized the data in a multitude of ways to understand which
neighborhoods were able to stay at home when the pandemic began,
and which neighborhoods were still forced to go to work. We
further compared this to the average income in various
neighborhoods by joining our turnstile data with census data in
order to understand the economic trends. The whole site is less
polished than I would want it to be. Some of the visuals are heavy
and load slowly, and could be scaled down in order to have a faster
and cleaner page load. Initially we were trying to create a smooth
scrolling effect, but ran out of time to do so. Some of the
visuals also take too long as time progresses, and should be sped
up. All are fixable problems given more time!